Vitamin A 3330 I.U. + Vitamin D and Cod Liver Oil 90 Capsules

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What is it?
Holland & Barrett Vitamin A 3300 I.U soft gel capsules contain a good source of Vitamin A and D. These capsules contribute to the normal function of the Immune System, Iron Metabolism and the Maintenance of Normal Skin and Vision. Cod Liver Oil is high in unsaturated Fatty Acids and various vital Vitamins – like Vitamin A and Vitamin D – which our bodies require to function properly.

Soft Gel Capsules with Vitamin A and D plus Cod Liver Oil

Contributes To Normal Iron Metabolism and Normal Function of The Immune System

Helps Maintain Normal Mucus Membranes, Normal Skin and Normal Vision

What Are the Benefits of This Supplement?

  • Vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient; it contributes to normal iron metabolism, maintenance of normal mucus membranes, maintenance of normal skin, maintenance of normal vision and normal function of the immune system.
  • Vitamin D is important for all sorts of health benefits, including supporting our natural immunity, bones, muscles and more. Often, we don’t get enough Vitamin D from sunlight – especially in the winter months – and our diet, so it’s recommended to take a supplement.
  • Cod Liver Oil can contribute to the normal function of the immune system (thanks to vitamin D) and help to maintain healthy bones.



Full ingredients
Soya Bean Oil, Cod Liver Oil (Fish), Capsule Shell (Gelatine), Capsule Shell (Gelatine), Humectant (Glycerol), Vitamin A (Retinyl Palmitate), Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol), Antioxidant (Mixed Tocopherols). For Allergens, see ingredients in bold.

Always read the label before use


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