Vitamin B12 250ug 30ml Spray

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What is B12?
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin. It is naturally occurring in some foods and added to others. It is part of the vitamin B complex, alongside seven essential other B vitamins.

Although the body can store vitamin B 12 in the liver, it can only do this for a certain amount of time before the stores start to be depleted and so it’s a good idea to replenish these on a daily basis.
Vitamin B12 is also available to take as a dietary supplement, either as part of the B vitamin complex or on its own. Here at Holland & Barrett, we have some of the best B12 supplements including our very own Holland & Barrett Energy Spray.
What benefits does vitamin B12 offer?

Vitamin B12 helps to support a number of bodily functions including the normal production of red blood cells and the normal release of energy. Vitamin B12 helps to reduce feelings of tiredness and fatigue and supports normal energy yielding metabolism.

What are the causes of vitamin B12 deficiency?
Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs when your body doesn’t have enough of the vitamin B12. This could be due to your diet and it is more common in older people. Taking certain medications can also affect how your body absorbs vitamins.
Symptoms of low B12 or a B12 deficiency include fatigue, pale or yellowing skin, frequent headaches, and finding it more difficult to concentrate.
Which foods naturally contain B12?
Good sources of vitamin B12 include meat, fish, milk, cheese and eggs. Vitamin B12 is sometimes also added to fortified foods such as breakfast cereals.
Most of the foods which contain vitamin B12 are sourced from animals and this therefore means that it can be difficult for vegans to get all the B12 they need through their diet alone.
If you don’t feel like you eat enough of these foods in your diet, then it may be time to start taking an additional vitamin B12 supplement.
How much B12 do you need per day?
The NHS recommends that adults between the ages of 19 and 64 need around 1.5 micrograms of vitamin B12 each day.
Which is better – vitamin B12 tablets or spray?
It isn’t necessarily the case that a spray is better than tablets when it comes to taking vitamin B12 supplements, but some people may prefer to use a spray. Tablets or capsules may be difficult to swallow, and some people don’t like their chalky texture.
A spray is fast and easy to use and is quickly absorbed into the body. You simply spray into your mouth, either on your tongue or inner cheek – and that’s it!
Is Holland & Barrett Energy Spray vegan?
Yes, Holland & Barrett Energy Spray is vegan.
It is also suitable for vegetarians. It is often recommended that anyone following a vegan diet should take an additional vitamin B12 daily supplement as they may find it difficult to get all of the B12 their bodies need through diet alone. Vit B 12 is not found naturally in plant-based foods such as vegetables and grains.
Holland & Barrett Energy Spray keeps vitamin B12 levels topped up without using any animal products in its formulation.



Full ingredients
Water, Sweetener (Xylitol), Flavouring (Blackcurrant Flavouring), Preservative (Potassium Sorbate), Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin), Acidity Regulators (Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate).

Always read the label before use


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